December 2020
TapHere was awarded a task order for a Federal Government Global Mission Support project, providing Subject Matter Expertise (SME) in support of Collection Management and ISR.
November 2020
Donations to the Haymarket Food Pantry were delivered on November 13. Additional donations will be delivered to the pantry right before Christmas. Thanks to those who have helped make this delivery a success. We had a total of 685 pounds in the boxes we sent to them.
November 2020
TapHere was blessed to support the SOWF annual event on November 5 at Isla Del Sol in St. Petersburg, FL. What a great organization and mission to help the families of our fallen and severely wounded Special Operations Warriors!
September 2020
TapHere started a new contract for digital signal processing (DSP) development, network design, software engineering, installation/automation, and system accreditation.
August 2020
TapHere was awarded an option period to perform DevSecOps, automation, and Systems Engineering services in support of USAF.
July 2020
TapHere was awarded a Task Order to provide technical expertise on ISR and Collection Management operations, execution, planning, acquisition, and assessments, in support of the United States European Command (EUCOM) area of responsibility (AOR).
June 2020
TapHere was awarded an option period to provide Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation (RDT&E) services for the design, development, configuration, security accreditation, and testing of a software defined radio (SDR).
May 2020
Chris Todd, TapHere VP Engineering, & Keith Walters TapHere Director of Partner Solutions, presented a technical session at the virtual Chef Conf 2020: Using Chef Effortless to Build DevOps Teams.
March 2020
TapHere was awarded an option period for an Engineering and Technical Services project, providing Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation (RDT&E) services for the Federal Government. These services include security accreditation, network configuration, web services design/development, user interface control/monitoring, and installation support.
February 2020
TapHere was accepted into the AWS Partner Network (APN) Public Sector Partner Program and successfully renewed its qualification for the APN "Select" tier. This partnership and our qualifications were spearheaded by the Director of Partner Solutions, Mr. Keith Walters.
January 2020
TapHere is a member of the winning team led by Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) for the PMRO contract! TapHere will work this contract as part of its Global Mission Support business unit based in Tampa, FL. The objective of this contract is to provide persistent, multi-role and cross-domain ISR capabilities that increase indications and warnings, enhance the U.S. security defense posture, enable the freedom of movement, increase partnership capacity and interoperability, and foster global security and stability throughout the European and African areas of responsibility.
About the Contract